ANOM - Analysis of Means
Analysis of means (ANOM) as used in technometrical computing. The package takes results from multiple comparisons with the grand mean (obtained with 'multcomp', 'SimComp', 'nparcomp', or 'MCPAN') or corresponding simultaneous confidence intervals as input and produces ANOM decision charts that illustrate which group means deviate significantly from the grand mean.
Last updated 8 years ago
4.70 score 10 scripts 318 downloadsmodest - Model-Based Dose-Escalation Trials
User-friendly Shiny apps for designing and evaluating phase I cancer clinical trials, with the aim to estimate the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of a novel drug, using a Bayesian decision procedure based on logistic regression.
Last updated 7 years ago
3.30 score 1 stars 9 scripts 583 downloadsjocre - Joint Confidence Regions
Computing and plotting joint confidence regions and intervals. Regions include classical ellipsoids, minimum-volume or minimum-length regions, and an empirical Bayes region. Intervals include the TOST procedure with ordinary or expanded intervals and a fixed-sequence procedure. Such regions and intervals are useful e.g., for the assessment of multi-parameter (bio-)equivalence. Joint confidence regions for the mean and variance of a normal distribution are available as well.
Last updated 8 years ago
2.00 score 1 stars 9 scripts 213 downloads